Features This post format allows to add an optimized version of the Simple Slider Carousel WordPress Plugin in the post archive and here in the post single, this slider can be set to have a responsive or a fluidwidth layout. Some features of the image slider. The ultimate photography Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec posuere vestibulum […]
Features This post format allows to add an optimized version of the Simple Slider Carousel WordPress Plugin in the post archive and here in the post single, this slider can be set to have a responsive or a fluidwidth layout. Some features of the image slider. slideshow and the possibility to set the slideshow delay in milliseconds. optional next, previous, maximize / minimize and […]
Features This post format allows to add an audio post format. It is using Easy Video Player as the core, it is possible to play self hosted videos, HLS (http live streaming), youtube, vimeo, audio (mp3 files) and much more. The post is fully customizable and has full gutenberg support making it very easy to add or edit content. The […]